Chair Yoga / Yoga sur Chaise

Details below.

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Chair yoga offers all the same benefits as a more traditional yoga practice, including building strength and muscle tone, improved flexibility and balance, progressively developing the ability to bend, stretch, twist and move with control and ease, acquiring skills to manage stress and anxiety - such as better breathing habits, learning how to let go of accumulated tension and nurturing a commitment to self-care - building both concentration and confidence, coming to understand our own body and becoming more accepting of who we are.

Countless traditional yoga poses can be modified or replicated so that they can be successfully performed whilst sitting on a chair, or with the aid of a chair. Many are seated poses that feature varied head, arm, shoulder, back, hip, leg or feet positions, movements or stretches. Others are standing poses that use a chair as support for balance or alignment, or to achieve a more satisfying or longer-held stretch.

Chair yoga can make the practice of yoga much more accessible to beginners, or to people who perhaps face challenges in terms of their mobility, strength, balance or confidence.

I offer private chair yoga classes of both 60 minutes and 90 minutes, both in person and on Zoom. This means each class is tailored to meet the needs and goals of the individual participant. All classes include a guided relaxation at the end of the session.

Please contact me for more information: Katy Charge Yoga

Chair yoga really does make yoga accessible to everyone!