
“I have taken part in Katy Charge’s Yoga classes since 2017: group classes in French and English, and Zoom classes both private and group. I have studied yoga on and off for the last 40 years and I can honestly say that Katy is the best teacher, by far, that I have ever come across. She is highly professional and informative. The classes are always varied and focus on different areas of the body. I always feel encouraged to try new positions to extend my practice but never feel that I am being pushed outside my capabilities. Katy always takes great care to ensure that different versions of the various positions can be carried out to support development but also avoiding injury. I look forward to my weekly classes which not only have vastly improved a chronic back problem but are also fun and relaxing, and I would highly recommend her classes to anyone. Thank you Katy!”
Susie, Ste Alvère and Surbiton 

“My wife and I have been taking yoga classes with Katy for 5 years, usually once a week. During the Covid lockdowns we did one or two classes a week via Zoom. It would not be an understatement for me to say that I have found Katy’s classes life-changing, and it’s the one date in the diary I try never to miss. I was a total newcomer to yoga when I started, aged 60. I was very sporty in my teens, 20s and early 30s, but years of rugby and rowing had taken their toll on my lower back, shoulders and neck, and I had been a regular visitor to chiropractors and osteopaths for 30 years. Although an active skier, and retaining a lot of muscle strength, I had lost a lot of flexibility. Five years on at 65 I have found, through yoga, a level of mobility, flexibility and fitness I thought lost for ever, and a far better understanding of how my body works and, importantly, how to manage those areas of weakness I had carried for years, and I have completely dispensed with chiropractic and osteopathy. Katy is a highly effective teacher - a superb communicator, enthusiastic, extremely empathetic, and never judgemental - one of her key strengths is helping each yogi understand that it is about YOUR body and mind, and in no way is it a competitive activity to see who can bend furthest or hold a pose longest. She makes the classes varied - I’ve never felt even after hundreds of classes that she is just “going though the motions”… and FUN. I would recommend her classes without hesitation or reservation!” IC, St Chamassy

“I’ve done yoga on and off all my adult life and without exception Katy is the best teacher I’ve had. Her passion for yoga and its benefits, both mental and physical, is infectious and inspiring. She is genuinely interested in her yogis, their well-being and advancement. Our classes are meticulously planned and tailored to our capabilities, making them challenging, satisfying and above all fun.” Mme T., Dordogne

“I contacted Katy back in September 2021 to learn more about her classes. I told her my situation, 57, overweight and had never practised yoga. She responded with an incredibly positive message and invited me to come along to one of her classes (the first one is free). I was made to feel very welcome by Katy and her fellow Yogis, who were both French and English. I am English, have lived in France now for nearly 3 years and my French is very limited (at the moment!)
Since then, I have been attending her classes on a regular basis, going from once to twice a week. Even though I have only been practising yoga with Katy for 8 months I cannot believe the benefits I have gained in such a short time. I feel stronger, a little more flexible and my sense of balance has definitely improved.
Katy teaches in both French and English, which is a bonus for me because I am broadening my vocabulary all the time. Even though most of her French Yogis do not speak a lot of English, they always make me feel very welcome and include me in their conversations. The atmosphere at the classes is always relaxed which makes the whole experience even more enjoyable. When the class has finished, I feel like a completely different person to the one that went in. 
Katy is a real hidden gem in the Dordogne and I feel very privileged to practice yoga with her and my fellow Yogis. I would have no hesitation in recommending Katy, she is a lovely person and great teacher. Her passion for Yoga is infectious. I would love to do a third class Katy!” Alison W., Lalinde

“Over the years I have attempted yoga classes twice before, with different teachers, and gave up both times. I just didn’t get anything from it. However, from the start with Katy I really enjoyed the class sessions in Sainte Alvère. She is a very observant and patient teacher and adapts the class to suit each of the participants, whatever their level. I now look forward to yoga each week and I am starting to feel more supple as a result. I wish I had time to attend more than one class a week.” Mrs M., Ste Alvère

“I have attended Yoga classes with Katy for several years and as a woman in later years have found that the classes have kept me supple. When having trouble with my back I practiced chair yoga with Katy and found it very helpful. Now I attend a weekly class and find, after a very serious heart operation, it has helped me back to “Me” again. Katy is an excellent teacher.” Meg Hendry, Ste Alvère.

“Katy and I started Zoom yoga in September 2021. I am based in the UK and Katy in Sainte Alvere, France. We practice twice a week (7am in France and 6am in England).
I have practiced yoga over the last 20 years intermittently but this time it’s different. Katy has given me an opportunity to enhance any previous yoga practice and has enabled me to move to a much higher level with our one-to-one sessions. I have improved my flexibility, core strength, wellbeing and feel I achieve more in my 50s than I did practicing in my 30s. She inspires me every week and gives me the opportunity to focus on my person-centred yoga practice and, for that hour, I can clear my mind of other things. I feel that I have improved and developed in ways that I never imagined possible.
Katy is a fantastic Yogini and will inspire you to be the best you can be, and more. My practice is also helped during relaxation by her sidekick, Buddy, the snoring Boston Terrier! I thoroughly recommend Katy Charge Yoga to anyone who wishes to practice yoga and be inspired.” Ruth Moore, #Yoga #Zoom #UK #6am

“I have had the pleasure of attending private classes with Katy for about two years, in person when that has been possible and over Zoom when I have been in the UK during the winter. Initially I was able to attempt a wide range of poses but for the last three months my hip arthritis, which has been in the background for years, has become much worse and this has restricted what I am able to do but Katy has planned the classes meticulously, not only to take account of my limitations but to ameliorate the condition. Every week she has presented me with new ways of stretching and strengthening the hip and I’m now able to walk, stand up and climb the stairs without discomfort. I am deeply grateful to Katy for this big improvement in my quality of life. This is only one example of the benefits of Katy classes. As well as this targeted help, she structures her sessions for the whole person. I often arrive stressed and tense and I invariably leave the class feeling calm but energised. Katy is a very serious, very dedicated teacher of yoga but we also have a good laugh!” Dorothy S.

“My name is Matthew and I have cerebral palsy. I have been working with Katy and practicing Yoga for the last 17 months with private lessons on Zoom and a few face-to-face lessons when I was in France at my mum's house. As a result of COVID lockdown and lack of exercise, I had severe trouble being able to walk without falling over even with my rolater. Since working with Katy my mobility has improved a great deal. I have practiced chair yoga in the past but found it a bit boring. Yoga with Katy is NEVER boring. Every week is different and I practice yoga not only on the chair, but on a yoga mat, and sometimes standing. I can even manage lunges. Thanks to Katy, I love Yoga so much that I now practice every day and I am a lot more stable when standing and walking; and much more flexible. I very much enjoy my yoga sessions and look forward to them every week. We take it very seriously but also laugh a lot. I look forward to some face-to-face sessions in the summer. Thank you Katy for all the help you have given me.” Matthew Puffett, Andover, Hampshire

“I attend a group class on a Monday and have done so for over 5 years. I am in my early sixties, as are most of the other group members. Katy is very sympathetic to the abilities and capabilities of us more mature women and plans her sessions around our needs. I enjoy my classes very much and know that its doing wonders for my flexibility.” Kathy B., Sainte Alvère

“I started yoga with Katy as soon as she started offering classes in January 2017. Being a complete beginner and being reasonably fit I was surprised by my ‘inflexibility’, but also how much yoga – and Katy – have helped me remain supple through the various stages of ageing (I am now 75)… I hope to continue at least until I am 95!” 

“I just wanted to say how much we enjoy your classes. We were both new to yoga when we started right at the beginning and are feeling so much fitter doing lessons regularly. I highly recommend this class to anyone who is interested to come and enjoy what is a really entertaining and enjoyable class.” Kathryn

“I am Phil Carr and have taken early retirement in Ste Alvère. I have been attending Katy Charge's yoga sessions for a few years now, and have built them into my weekly routine, to keep at bay the inevitable spread, that goes with slowing down. I am a typical man, not over weight at 82kg, but tight hamstrings and a lifestyle hunched over computers and in cars has left its scars...
I have noticed an agility and poise that comes with regular yoga and despite being fairly fit, I really need that quiet time on my mat, as part of my active lifestyle in France.
Yes, you can do a bit at home, but whatever anyone says, you never do an hour and a half on the mat unless you go and see Katy…
I also appreciate how Katy tunes the lesson to the attendees. Yes, I feel young sometimes, and I love the free french lesson that I get, if I attend the French class, so she will adjust the ‘flow’ to suit the majority… And also she remembers the endless ailments of all her yogis, to make sure that no one comes to any harm.
Well done Katy, a classic example of offering a local service for local people... I can't work out why more men don't come? Maybe pride or being self-conscious perhaps, but I recommend Katy's yoga to everyone of all ages... all my family attend, my wife and children (25 and 29).
Namaste!” Phil Carr, Music coordinator for Ste Catherine's Church, Limeuil, La Dordogne, 24510.